The scan summary shows the business information (name, rating etc.), your keyword, language and the time when this scan was performed. You can get an idea about how well your Local business has performed for this keyword, it shows the total locations where your business ranked, the average SERP rank and best SERP rank etc. You can also download this Local SEO Scan Report in PDF format or in excel/csv format. The pdf report will have all the information that is shown on this page including the rank map, you also add your company's log and name on this report, by default it will have GMB Radar logo on it. If you have performed this scan earlier also, you can compare scan by clicking the "View History" button. If you want to share this report with anyone else, click on the Share button and copy the share link.
In this map, your business location is showing as a blue pin with B letter, other round markers show what was your business rank from that location, each rank has its unique color, like 1–3 ranks have some shades of green, and 17–20 are in red .
You can click on any marker to view all the search results.
This grid has one row for each search, In this example we performed search from 121 locations so this grid has 121 rows, each row will have the keyword, location coordinates the distance from your business, your location’s rank and a link to view the search results. You can sort this grid by rank or distance. If you click on “View Search Results” it will show a popup with all business that appeared for this search, see the image below.
This table will have your Local business’s top 20 competitors, for each competitor you can see their reviews, rating address, number of locations where it ranked and the average rank.. The “View Report” link will open a new page with same report as this one but it will be for this competitor, so you will know how this competitor is ranked for all locations.
Its a great tool to discover and analyze your competitors.